Issue 06

UBS AG (SWISS) GROUP EXECUTIVE BOARD DIRECT UBS PAST/PRESENT USA CRIMINAL ACTIVITY reports: "It is not just executives who implemented wealth management policy who may be concerned, but also those people who managed the accounts. Swiss banks have long since counseled employees and former staff who were directly connected with USA clients not to travel to the USA for fear of arrest. Top UBS managers at the time have consistently denied knowing the daily details of cross-border USA business, but Weil took part in the same executive decision-making meetings with the loftiest of bosses." G1 A reliable UBS source has maintained it is the UBS AG senior officers as heads of little fiefdoms that are the most ruthless. We are told there was a popular European movie based upon the criminality of UBS AG. UBS continues its reign of terror in USA with Obama/Holder pay-to-play get-out-of-jail-free card scheme. Elderly UBS Clients in USA are suffering immeasurably. There are no criminal violations UBS will not implement to successfully defraud UBS Clients, especially the elderly.

UBS Front Door

UBS AG CEO Sergio P Ermotti, Chief of the secretive UBS AG (Switzerland) Group Executive Board with risk taker sunburn


Wikipedia reports: "After his apprenticeship as a stockbroker at the Corner Bank, Ermotti was later promoted to trading. Ermotti earned a diploma as a Swiss Federal Banking Certified Expert and a degree in the Advanced Management Program at Oxford University." G2 In Switzerland, business persons obtain a Swiss certification for almost everything. There are certified fiduciary, electrician, accountant, plumber, banker, mechanic, realtor, nurse, stockbroker, ad nauseam "diplomas". This commendable fete allows for dignity to be given to each endeavor. It also allows the Swiss Government to keep tight control over the behavior of the business community players. Harvard Business School started the few summer month Advanced Management Program (AMP) that in turn spread throughout World business schools. These programs are for business persons who want to hone their skills through networking with alike others in an academic setting. Any academic work is predicated upon seminars and group efforts, not individual study/exam routines. The program went international because it was highly profitable for the various business schools. The corporations or individuals can take a tax write-off for attending the program and receiving a "degree". These "degrees" are impressive when touted to the unknowing. This is unlike professorial Axel A Weber's glittering economic degrees earned through the study/exam routines. In any event both men should be commended for their accomplishments, so far.


UBS prior benefactor, UBS prior Chairman and UBS prior member of the secretive UBS AG (Switzerland) Group Executive Board Robert Wolf with UBS beneficiary President Obama


UBS Front Door

UBS USA CEO, UBS prior member of the secretive UBS AG (Switzerland) Group Executive Board Robert J McCann


New York Magazine on Kappa Beta Phi reports: "It was a secret fraternity, founded at the beginning of the Great Depression, that functioned as a sort of one-percenter's Friars Club. Each year, the group's dinner features comedy skits, musical acts in drag, and off color jokes, and its group's privacy mantra is 'What happens at the St. Regis stays at the St. Regis.' For eight decades, it worked. No outsider in living memory had witnessed the entire proceedings firsthand." G3 Robert J McCann is also a member of the Group Executive Board of UBS AG based in Switzerland. Controversial UBS CEO Robert Wolf was also a member of this UBS Board (see issue 1). Sergio P Ermotti is Group Executive Board Chief.

UBS Front Door

UBS Prior Chairman & member of the secretive UBS AG (Switzerland) Group Executive Board radioactive Raoul Weil

PRIOR UBS CHAIRMAN MASTER CRIMINAL RAOUL WEIL ALLOWED FREEDOM ON USA BOND, AGAIN reports: "Raoul Weil, charged with tax fraud by US authorities, has been freed on $10.5 million (CHF9.3 million) bail in federal court in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. … The magistrate agreed to let him stay with friends in New Jersey after putting up the bail, which included $9 million in a personal surety by Weil, $500,000 from the New Jersey family and the other $1 million a corporate surety bond signed with a bail bondsman. … Weil is one of the most prominent of the accused having moved through the ranks of UBS's vaunted wealth management business to become chief executive and then chairman of its global wealth management division." G4 Prior fugitive from USA Justice Raoul Weil is too radioactive for Obama/Holder to allot UBS immunity from USA prosecution to Weil. There is enthusiasm because of UBS reliable sources predicated upon years of trust already embedded within UBS infrastructure. The UBS information stream already flowing.

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UBS AG Vice Chairman Senator Phil Gramm

Prior Chairman of the USA Senate Committee on Banking Initiated banking deregulation laws which removed Depression-era laws separating banking, insurance and brokerage activities. This dubious activity in turn facilitated UBS AG criminal violations against USA Clients, especially the elderly.


Time Magazine reports: "As Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee from 1995 through 2000, Gramm was Washington's most prominent and outspoken champion of financial deregulation. He played a leading role in writing and pushing through Congress the 1999 repeal of the Depression-era Glass-Steagall Act, which separated commercial banks from Wall Street. He also inserted a key provision into the 2000 Commodity Futures Modernization Act that exempted over-the-counter derivatives like credit-default swaps from regulation by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission." G5 Senator Gramm enabled UBS to buy stockbroker Paine Webber due to Senator Gramm's banking deregulation bill. In 2003, Senator Phillip Gramm left the Senate to become Vice Chairman of UBS. Gramm immediately and started lobbying Congress on UBS banking and mortgage matters. Thanks to Senator Gramm UBS AG is now embedded into the highest Washington manipulations, banking or otherwise. A Washington reliable source has said there is already another active Congressional Banking Committee member covertly signed for the UBS AG Washington revolving door deferred payment scheme. Prior Senator Gramm will retire as Vice Chairman of UBS to be seamlessly replaced by the UBS designee with the usual canned public relations hoopla. This is how UBS AG has been allowed to deviously keep their USA Charter. It is disgusting to watch Senator Phil Graham and other Washington politicos debase themselves for UBS dollars looted from elderly UBS clients. Perhaps Senator Gramm would be more at home plying his wares in a Zurich prostitution kiosk! At least the honorable Senator Phillip Gramm would be nearer his UBS AG money source.


The Legal Examiner reports: "Shortly after George W. Bush (Jr) was elected president, Congress and President Clinton were trying to pass a $384 billion omnibus spending bill, and while the debates swirled around the passage of this bill, Senator Phil Gramm clandestinely slipped a 262-page amendment into the omnibus appropriations bill titled: Commodity Futures Modernization Act. It is likely that few senators read this bill, if any. The essence of the act was the deregulation of derivatives trading (financial instruments whose value changes in response to the changes in underlying variables; the main use of derivatives is to reduce risk for one party). The legislation contained a provision — lobbied for by Enron, a major campaign contributor to Gramm — that exempted energy trading from regulatory oversight. Basically, it gave way to the Enron debacle and ushered in the new era of unregulated securities. Interestingly enough, Gramm's wife, Wendy, had been part of the Enron board, and her salary and stock income brought in between $900,000 and $1.8 million to the Gramm household, prior to the passage of the Commodity Futures Modernization Act. In 2003, Gramm left the Senate to join UBS, which had acquired investment house Paine Webber due to his deregulation bill. At UBS, Gramm lobbied Congress, the Fed and the Treasury Department. During Gramm's tenor at UBS and as a lobbyist, Congress passed the Responsible Lending Act, billed as an anti-predatory-lending measure, but was called the "Loan Shark Protection Act" by consumer advocates, as it was designed to preempt stronger state laws against anti-predatory lending. G7 UBS Vice Chairman Gramm's Congressional collaborator presently collecting UBS et al IOUs is unknown. We may only find their name when UBS Chairman Phil Gramm is replaced.

judge peuler forgery

USA Senate Banking Committee Chairman Phil Gramm


The Hill reports: "Senate Dining Room 'is one of those places where you don't notice, or really care, how good or bad the food is [because] what you eat is strictly secondary to whom you see or speak to in a restaurant literally filled with some of Washington's top power brokers.' … The Senate Dining Room is open only to those authorized by the Rules Committee, such as senators, their spouses, children and guests, staffers, Senate officers , foreign dignitaries and senators' constituents with a letter from their senator." G8 USA Texas Senator Phil Gramm is considered by many bipartisan Washington insiders as the most dangerous person ever for USA national security.

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"Based on my scientific examination and lack of agreement of the unique, identifiable handwriting characteristics and the measurable distinctions in the questioned signature, it is my professional expert opinion that a different person authored the name of Sandra N. Peuler on the questioned document 'Q1'." UBS AG Group Executive Board men could not be prosecuted directly by USA Attorney General Holder because Holder represented UBS as a lawyer. Also, Holder's boss President Obama has been receiving donor money from UBS AG since Obama was Senator. Let us not forget UBS is also the largest donor to the Utah Symphony.


Utah reliable source legal researcher says: "From information and belief, the Honorable Judge Sandra Peuler would not permit the obvious spoliation let alone sign such a document. Some other entity compounded the criminality by forging the Judge's name. It is unknown if a UBS Utah lawyer, unlicensed collaborating UBS New Jersey lawyer or Salt Lake City Courthouse clerk forged the Honorable Judge Peuler's signature. The signature has been verified a clear forgery and should be presented to a court (Honorable Judge Peter Lopez of Miami Dade Circuit Court has mentioned a Swiss Court in court recorded documents.) after making the media rounds. Honorable Judge Peuler resigned from the Salt Lake City District Courthouse shortly after the forgery and spoliation summary judgment was sent interstate in a backdated law firm envelope as a Foreign Judgment. Jennifer Eschelman representing UBS AG alias UBS Bank USA from Anderson & Karrenberg law firm resigned at the very same time. It is disconcerting that these ethical and respected women effectively resigned their careers while the devious perpetrators are allegedly still in their positions of Utah power. A UBS reliable source has divulged two similar UBS cases to be exposed after media scrutiny has been completed."G9 The forged and spoliated summary judgment was then exported as a Foreign Judgment to Miami Dade, Florida Circuit Court of Honorable Judge Peter Lopez.


Charles Dickens wrote of incidents where the pickpockets were stealing from the crowd gathered to watch the hanging of another pickpocket. In this case UBS was allegedly being tried for known criminal activities within the USA. Similarly, the very same time UBS was stealing UBS elderly Client assets in the literal shadow of the Florida Federal Courthouse where UBS was being criminally prosecuted for other USA Federal tax thefts. FLORIDA BUSINESS CORPORATION ACT Florida Statute 607.1501 Authority of foreign corporation to transact business required declares "(1) A foreign corporation may not transact business in this state (Florida) until it obtains a certificate of authority from the Department of State." UBS Bank USA alias had illegal offices in Palm Beach, Florida before, during and after USA Federal prosecution with parol. UBS Bank USA Client Mallard was a typical example of Palm Beach elderly solicited, recruited and looted by Florida unregistered UBS Bank USA alias, while on and off USA Federal criminal parole.


UBS AG Executive Group Board member Chairman Raoul Weil did implement UBS AG joining the infamous USA Federally unregulated Utah Industrial Bank Cartel. UBS AG solely owns the UBS Utah Industrial Bank and its aliases UBS Bank, UBS Private Bank, UBS Bank USA et al. One of the many benefits given Utah Industrial Bank Cartel members is the capability of using the five floors of the Salt Lake City Courthouse for favorable member judgments against imported USA Client victims from other USA states and countries. Retained Utah archival researchers from the nearby University of Utah and concerned Utah groups have never found a Courthouse judgment in favor of a UBS Client victim.


UBS Wealth Management did business in Palm Beach, Florida under a "Fictitious Name" while Utah UBS Bank USA alias was doing business without a Florida Department of State license and registration. At the very same time UBS AG, Zurich, Switzerland sole owner of both was being criminally prosecuted and criminally paroled a few miles away in Ft Lauderdale. USA Federal Judge Cohn was assigned three UBS cases (United States of America v UBS Case No. 09-60033-CR-COHN) and two criminal trials of UBS Chairman Raoul Weil (United States v Raoul Weil Case 08-60322-CR-COHN). All-the-while UBS continues its interstate rampant crimes, especially against UBS elderly Florida client victims.


UBS AG (Switzerland), through it's wholly owned UBS Utah Industrial Bank and it's alias UBS Bank USA, knowingly conducted business by soliciting and recruiting elderly clients (Mallard et al) without the Florida mandatory lawful registration to do business in Florida, before June 10, 2010. UBS Client Mallard was solicited and recruited by UBS AG alias UBS Bank USA July 28, 2008. Mallard believed that UBS Bank USA was a lawfully registered USA Federal Bank doing business in Florida. Senior Citizen Mallard specifically hired his Palm Beach, Florida attorneys Alley Maass Rogers & Lindsey for the purpose of scrutiny and due diligence since he had never before purchased a residence. This included whether or not UBS Bank USA was a USA Federal Bank legally doing business in Florida. UBS AG alias UBS Bank USA was neither a USA Federal Bank nor legally doing business in Florida. UBS AG filed under Utah alias "UBS Bank USA" June 10, 2010 to do business in Florida. These USA Federal interstate criminal violations were allegedly implemented and successfully used to swindle elderly Florida citizens. This was accomplished by exporting UBS client victims specifically to the Salt Lake City (SLC) Courthouse for processing, harvesting and re-exporting via a Foreign Judgment to Miami Dade Circuit Court for garnishment. (Utah lawyers and the Salt Lake City Courthouse in Utah use agrarian terms referring to imported elderly Utah Industrial Bank Cartel victims from other states. They refer to the SLC Courthouse as "the slaughterhouse for that is where the elderly are separated from their life accumulated assets. Other than surrounding law firms the criminal activities are kept secret from Utah citizens. Auschwitz employees used medical terms in processing their victims with those living nearby processing centers oblivious to what was happening.)


June 6, 2011 Google Search reported: "Florida search … UBS BANK USA … No results matching the search are found." There was no UBS Bank USA lawfully doing business in Florida. Google Search further reported: "Utah search … UBS BANK USA … Search Results … UBS Bank USA ("the Bank") is a Federally regulated Utah industrial bank." UBS AG (Switzerland) solely owned UBS Utah Industrial Bank alias UBS Bank USA was only doing business in Utah state while unlawfully holding themselves out as USA Federally regulated to the World.

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UBS AG as sole owner of USA Federally unregulated UBS Utah Industrial Bank alias UBS Bank USA is directly responsible for the fraudulent misrepresentations of the truth within UBS AG international advertising. UBS AG Group Executive Board cannot deny their involvement through the usual plausibility of denial, mistake, inadvertence or some other ploy used to continue successfully shielding themselves from USA laws.


The Utah Department of Financial Institutions regulates the Utah state financial institutions. It cannot get more succinct than when they say "Nationally or Federally chartered IBs (Industrial Banks) do not exist." UBS AG called it's solely owned UBS Utah Industrial Bank and its alias UBS Bank USA a USA Federally regulated bank, while on and off USA criminal parole. UBS AG and it's Group Executive Board members have also fraudulently submitted USA Federal and state court documents, international advertisements, USA Federal records et al saying UBS AG solely owned UBS Utah Industrial Bank is USA Federally regulated and registered to do business in USA states other than Utah.


Reuters reports UBS Chairman saying: " 'We are investing to create perfection of the client's experience,' he added, saying that this segment of the affluent population was estimated to have up to 20 percent of global wealth. … UBS was particularly interested in going after so-called ultra-high net worth individuals — those with millions of dollars to invest, whose wealth is growing faster than other segments." G10 It is truly astounding that the UBS Chairman is talking in esoteric terms while UBS investors and clients start committing suicide because of the dubious behavior of his UBS cronies within the secret UBS AG Group Executive Board.


ABC News reports: "Senate Hearing Has All the Trappings of Mafia Investigation. Another witness, Martin Liechti, also took the fifth rather than answer questions from the panel on his bank's practices. Liechti, head of wealth management for North and South American clients for Swiss bank UBS, was briefly detained in May by the U.S. Justice Department as part of its investigation into tax evasion." G11 Some witnesses who appeared before the Senate hearings were afraid for their lives. One witness appeared as a shadow behind a screen to protect his identity. The US Federal witness protection program is being provided to witnesses who are afraid of being harmed by UBS.


Forbes reports: "UBS, perhaps more so than some of its big bank rivals, has been in the midst of several ugly run-ins with regulators. … wealth management business is only as good as the advisors that work there–they're the ones gathering and managing the client assets. They're the ones talking and meeting with droves of retirees and other individual investors who control trillions of assets. … Convincing investors to put their money with a UBS advisor can't be easy when the big parent company is facing all sorts of very public legal issues. McCann knows he can't control the bank's problems but what he could control is the ease with which his advisors operate." G12 Let us not forget the UBS salesman's motto of 'Incentivize bad behavior but if they get caught they will not be covered by the UBS hierarchy special relationship immunity from USA Federal investigation/prosecution.' UBS salesman credo of 'isolate, control, dupe and loot' has never been challenged by the USA Justice Department under the last string of USA Presidents, somehow. Let us remember Ambassador Prince Bandar's coined and time proven Washington maxim: 'If the reputation builds that the Saudis (UBS) take care of their friends when they leave office (USA), you'd be surprised how much better friends you have who are just coming into office.'

UBS SPONSORS PALM BEACH ART SHOW TO RECRUIT WEALTHY SENIOR CITIZENS! reports: "UBS spent millions of Swiss taxpayer bailout money to finance an art show fete for the wealthy of Palm Beach. UBS created another honey pot scheme similar to the UBS Miami Basil Art Show. During the first night gala UBS gave wealthy senior citizens Champaign, caviar and other foods meant for Madam Pompadour, all at the expense of the Swiss taxpayers. We were present to this fete and interviewed people who loved all the sumptuous activity. It seems UBS operatives were mentioning the fact that off-shore accounts are available but one would have to email or call +41 44 298 32 32 since UBS is not allowed to talk about such wealth management capabilities in the United States at this time. A Palm Beacher said: 'I feel sorry for the Swiss people paying millions in taxes for all of this luxurious food and huge art show for Palm Beach.' Another said: 'My family lost money to Bernie Madoff who did business with UBS. It is disgusting watching UBS officers swill down expensive food, at least Madoff had class.' Yet another said: 'I heard the Swiss government is paying UBS to host this party for the rich of Florida. I am glad I don't pay Swiss taxes.' At this very moment 52,000 UBS recruited US wealthy citizens are having their identity betrayed by UBS." G13 What can be said. It speaks for itself.


Infowars reports an Obama Secret Service Agent Daniel Bognito says: "This is not about Republican or Democrat, it's about liberty, pure and simple, and this administration has done more to damage our individual rights than any that has come before it. … Make no mistake. They – and that especially includes this administration and/or agents acting under their directives and initiatives – will use everything they can against you when it suits them. The prerogative has always been to destroy anything or anyone who threatens the establishment. We've seen it time and again with this, as well as past, White House administrations and Congressional membership. Now, more than ever before, they will start targeting those who speak out against them and jeopardize their agenda." G14 UBS has been the largest continuing donor to Obama since Obama met facilitator UBS Chairman Robert Wolf at a party given by George Soros in New York City when Obama was a Senator. Three of our Florida senior citizen contributors have felt Washington pressure from the Obama political appointees. Our reliable sources are in a double blind security impervious to any insinuations. USA Federal Agency careerists have said they are under so much pressure that they will not sign off on any UBS complaints or true and correct documents noting UBS criminal activities. These USA Federal careerists say they are under increasing pressure to send kiss-off letters without their names, daisy chain circle letters without answers, tag team form letters from various USA agency locations et al. USA Attorney General is on record saying he will not take any action against UBS, even crimes against the USA elderly.


TRAC reports: "President Obama has kept the promise that he had made in secret to the assembled Wall Street CEOs inside the White House on 27 March 2009 (but that was leaked out), "My administration … is the only thing between you and the pitchforks." Obama's "Justice" Department refused even to prosecute, much less to pursue, any of these mega-crooks, who had cheated the U.S. Government — ultimately U.S. taxpayers. At lower levels of the Federal Government, there was a desire to prosecute banksters. 95% of the economic benefits from the Obama economic 'recovery' from the Bush crash … Wall Street bailout has gone virtually only to the top 1%." G15 The Washington translation of these cryptic words means: ' We all know politicians do favors but if politicians don't collect in an IOU escrow account before leaving office the money may never be delivered. If you do not start transferring money to the UBS secret Presidential Library+ numbered accounts, I will use my power to diminish you during my remaining tenure as USA President.'


DealBook reports: "The Justice Department's decision stops short of imperiling the broader financial system because it shields UBS's parent company from losing its charter, among other major repercussions. … 'We are holding those who did wrong accountable,' Lanny A. Breuer, the head of the Justice Department's criminal division, said at a news conference on Wednesday. "We cannot, and we will not, tolerate misconduct on Wall Street." G16 Lip service by Lanny who is now a lawyer/lobbyist foreign client hustler for his old revolving door Covington & Burling law firm.


Rolling Stone reports: "Covington & Burling, the onetime private-practice home of both Holder and Breuer. … assistant attorney general who had balked at criminally prosecuting UBS over Libor because, he said, 'Our goal here is not to destroy a major financial institution.' … 'But when the attorney general says,' I don't want to indict people,' it's the Wild West. 'There's no law.' This is corruption at the molecular level of the economy, Space Age stealing – and it's only just coming into view." G17

UBS Front Door

Lanny Breuer
Lanny Breuer Covington Burling lawyer 1989-1997
USA Federal Assistant Attorney General 2009-2013
USA Assistant Covington Burling lawyer 2013 salary: $5,000,000,00+ per annum

Job description: soliciting foreign entities for lobby/law firm. From information and belief the Lanny pitch is allegedly to tell foreign entities they can buy up to UBS and Saudi Royal Family immunity from USA Federal investigation/prosecution for the remaining and next presidential cycle. Foreign entities are allegedly offered to be benefactor of UBS AG (Swiss) secret Obama Presidential Library+ numbered account, which is now USA legal.


Buzzflash reports: "Department of Justice [DOJ] Criminal Division Chief Lanny Breuer is bragging about it. … one > can argue (and the same holds true for Eric Holder, also a Covington & Burling alumni appointee), Breuer was building his value in the marketplace at the DOJ, while Wall Street executives who nearly destroyed the American economy went un-prosecuted. And his future value to his old white collar defense firm was dependent, in large part, on him not angering the people who would be the clients of Covington & Burling when he left the Department of Justice. The result, one can contend: no prosecutions of banks; too big to fail execs as publicly stated as a policy by both Breuer and Holder. This isn't just a revolving door; one can argue it's a dereliction of legal responsibility by an employee of the people of the United States. One can proffer that it's a cash-in career move by a resume climber who was careful not to bite the hands that will write the checks that will feed him on a lavish scale…. Moving forward, he expects to have individual and corporate clients in areas such as foreign bribery, money laundering, export control and securities law and whistle blower cases. … Dennis Kelleher, a former partner at Skadden Arps in Washington, D.C., and currently president of the public interest group Better Markets. … told Corporate Crime Reporter that 'nothing is more corrosive to the American people's trust in government than the revolving door where too many officials turn their so-called public service into multi-million dollar riches unimaginable to most Americans. This blatant cashing-in is destroying faith in government and government officials,' Kelleher said. … this is quite possibly a crime against the American people for personal enrichment." G18 From information and belief USA Attorney General Eric Holder is to go through the same revolving door to represent the same law firm, for something. Holder escaped prosecution for contempt in 2013 but Congress is said to be actively developing a case against him for 2014.


Daily Beast reports: "At the Justice Department's criminal division, Lanny Breuer was supposed to lead the investigation into the financial crisis–the big banks and Wall Street firms. … And now … he's returning to his old law firm, Covington & Burling. There, for $4 million a year he'll defend…the big banks and Wall Street firms. … Lanny wanted to go back to a law firm that represented banks after he was done. He didn't want to prosecute the banks … he wasn't about to jeopardize what he knew was a return to his old firm at a massive salary. … the real question is what Obama and Eric Holder were doing appointing him in the first place." G19 Did Obama/Holder implement Wall Street IOU's through the use of Lanny Breuer? Quid Quo Pro (something for something) is a maxim in Washington/Wall Street. It is done through such mediums as exorbitant speakers fees, book contracts, private consulting. Ronald Reagan was given $1,000,000 from a Japanese entity for less than a one hour talk. Bush family similarly have done well for their wars. Clinton perfected it by hustling internationally. Clinton only got caught once hustling an onerous "stan" dictator, so far. UBS seems to be the bank of choice because they have the most controversial World Clients seeking USA Presidential favors. UBS only has to secretly internally transfer money from one numbered account to another with no questions asked. Money is money.

UBS Front Door

Eric Holder
Eric Holder 2001-2009 Covington Burling lawyer
USA Attorney General 2009-2015? Covington Burling lawyer 2015?

It is unclear at this time how much money Covington Burling law firm allegedly receives directly or indirectly from UBS. It is unclear what Eric's job description will be other than another rain maker soliciting foreign business for the Firm.


Wikipedia reports: "After the U.S. government filed suit against the Swiss bank UBS AG, whom Holder had represented during his time in private practice, the attorney general recused himself from all legal matters concerning the bank, which stands accused of conspiracy in U.S. tax fraud." G20 It is said USA Attorney General has made it a point to let everyone know he would be returning to work for Covington & Burling as his Assistant Lanny Breuer did, for triple salary and bonuses. It is the appearance of corruption that irritates a USA public that knows exactly how the Washington revolving door deferred payment scheme works.


National Review says: "a prosecutor tasked with proving a swindle — or what federal law describes as a 'scheme to defraud' — the crucial thing is not so much the fraud. It is the scheme. To be sure, it is the fraud — the individual false statements, sneaky omissions, and deceptive practices — that grabs our attention. … The point of showing that Obama is carrying out a massive scheme to defraud — one that certainly would be prosecuted if committed in the private sector — is not to agitate for a prosecution that is never going to happen. It is to demonstrate that there is logic to the lies. There is an objective that the fraud aims to achieve. The scheme is the framework within which the myriad deceptions are peddled." G22 This format cannot be relegated strictly to Obama. This method seems to have been perfected by Clinton but goes further back.


USA Federal Internal Revenue Services (IRS) says: "In his role leading the IRS, Mr. Koskinen is working to ensure that the agency maintains an appropriate balance between taxpayer service and tax enforcement and administers the tax code with fairness and integrity." G22 A UBS reliable source says IRS Commissioner Koskinen's office continues to work with UBS against UBS Client victims, especially the USA elderly. Other President Obama political appointee's seem to have done the same. Immediately after this article was published our newsletter was hacked for the first time in our several years of existence. We have all of the resulting documents revealing the procedure. Commissioner Koskinen's office has recently ignored UBS Client Mallard's plea for UBS true and correct account IRS submissions. Mallard has said in our newsletter that the USA Federal Government careerists (GS's) are professionals that should be held in high regard by every citizen and we concur. The increasing numbers of political appointees (C5's) descending into the USA Federal Government infrastructure seem to be the problem. Let us be reminded, UBS and their associates are on public record as being given Justice Department immunity from investigation/prosecution by Holder/Breuer. We have published these self professed statements in earlier articles. UBS has been one of Senator/President Obama's largest benefactors and currently allegedly controls the Obama Presidential Library+ foreign donor's Swiss numbered accounts.


Daily Caller reports: "What's your opinion of the Obama administration's Department of Justice and Eric Holder's tenure, and the difference between finding actual criminal cases and cases that are just neatly packaged? … Bongino: 'It's a travesty, what's happened to the Department of Justice. It's an actual travesty. It's political malpractice at its worst. … This Department of Justice is a Department of Injustice. … I cannot express to you the level of frustration amongst federal agents and administrative employees. People are really fed up with this administration and the way they politicize things. … the reason we have this is the walling off and these individual silos amongst this multitude of alphabet soup of federal agencies out there. What it does is give the Department of Justice unusual power. … The attorney general is an appointee of the president and his loyalties are to the president first, which I think Holder's are, and not to the people. And I think you're going to have a very serious problem. And there is no way to prevent it if the media just goes along.' … This whole position of lawmakers, bureaucrats, and some in the spy agency — not all — is that since we can't reform government, we're going to default to a collection mechanism on every American." G23 It is very apparent within this newsletter that Holder does not have the interests of the USA citizenry in mind regarding his job as USA Attorney General. Holders desires reside elsewhere. If his assistant Lanny Breuer is any example, Holder's thoughts are upon the retirement speakers fees, consulting fees and perhaps hefty legal fees. These will all be provided by those who have benefited from Holder diminishing his responsibilities towards the USA citizens.


Daily Mail reports UBS: "has a history of providing detailed advice for its employees. … impress customers with a polished presence and sense of Swiss precision and decorum. … not to show roots if they colour their hair and to avoid wearing black nail polish. … avoid garlic or onion breath … dirty (eye) glasses create an appearance of negligence. … skin-colored underwear for women and wristwatches for all to signal 'trustworthiness and a serious concern for punctuality.' … A UBS spokesman said clients and staff had reacted well to the rules" G24 UBS AG Group Executive Board Chief Sergio Ermotti should add big pockets to their uniforms. The input pocket should be for filching assets of elderly estate accounts, especially in Florida. An output pocket should be added for secretly giving to legally to USA presidential libraries+ to continue UBS immunity from Obama USA prosecution. We wonder what UBS decorum is in the Geneva nearby newly created prostitution kiosks!.


Letters to the Director:

Director: We've heard Lanny Breuer has been using the Clinton foreign benefactor lists to hustle clients. Do you have any documents or reliable sources that can either confirm or deny this allegation? This matter is being considered serious among his legal competitors. It could have a credibility dilution in the foreign marketplace. He and former UBS Chairman Robert Wolf are awkwardly encroaching upon delicate relationships. We would like to put a stop to this behavior with your assistance. We will assist you in more serious UBS Client matters that have come across our desks. Please do not make any disclosures other than this email. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Washington Law Firm Partner

Sir: My elderly parents attempted to transfer from UBS to another investment firm for several months between 2012-2103. My father died in March of 2013 and one of his final conversations with me was to please find his money for my mother. Since his death, my mother's investment firm rep and I have spoken with UBS wealth management representatives more than 3 dozen times and have completed dozens of forms. I have sent POA forms to them twice. I have been hung-up or disconnected (in their words) a half dozen times.
Sad Daughter

Gentlemen: Our advisor left UBS and our investments were reassigned.The new advisor contacted us 1 time in 3 months, miss handled our investments collected fees and then said he was not responsible prior advisor … Fee charges have become a new source of revenue for UBS. A management person contacted me with inaccurate information, investment advisor was rude and although he should have reviewed our fees monthly did not care about accuracy.
Angry UBS Clients

Sir: I invested with UBS, and was told I could get into structured products.They said, worst case scenario was, I could get no interest but, the base was safe. If the product went above or below a certain amount, no interest was given. They put the money in UBS and Lehman Brothers. When LB went belly up, I lost all my money there, and received no interest in the UBS ones but, at least for those I got my money back. The other investments they put me into, overall lost money. Anyone thinking of investing with this company, should think twice.They might has some good people working for them but, I've only dealt with liars, and poor managers. Its safe to say, I and the other people who went to them at the same time, ALL have taken their money out of there!
Former UBS Client

Let's make it short and simple. It seems the massive UBS criminal fraud was set up long ago by "Master Criminal" Swiss UBS fugitive from United States Justice UBS Global Wealth Management Chairman Raoul Weil. This UBS Chairman Master Criminal Weil's scheme has been to "target, solicit, recruit, harvest and process mostly US senior citizen clients through the Salt Lake City, Utah Courthouse. This is done by means of the US Federally unregulated Utah Industrial Bank cartel with the use of various UBS bank aliases. This Utah Courthouse then ships out foreign judgments against primarily elderly client victims in other states for collection. Utah lawyers get ballooned legal fees. The SLC Courthouse gets increasing court fees as seen on their egocentric displayed graph. Utah Symphony gets UBS as largest donor. Obama reneges on his campaign promise to shut down the US Federally unregulated Utah Industrial Bank Cartel which includes UBS Utah Industrial Bank and its aliases. This pleases Utah Brigham Young University grads in high bureaucratic positions in Washington. Obama gets UBS as largest campaign donor through the likes of Chairman bundlers Wolf and Weber. Obama gets secret foreign campaign donations through UBS offshore secret # account custodial services for his Obama Presidential Library+, especially from Ambassador Prince Bandar's Saud Family for giving Boston Marathon "person of interest" Saudi immunity from US interrogation. ( #s 41 and 42). UBS gets US AG Holder immunity from US prosecution by your Eric and Lanny verified UBS immunity from investigation/prosecution comments. Eric, Lanny and Obama pocket loose international change through speakers fees, phony books, consulting fees, etc. The World gets to see Washington/Wall Street transparent corruption, again. UBS elderly US clients get the shaft, again. - Washington Conspiracy Hobbyist who lives and works in this crap.

Let's see if master criminal Raoul Weil is properly prosecuted. Those implicated may narrow the questioning and allow Weil's attorneys leeway without objections. Accident or suicide Weil in his bizarre New Jersey sanctuary. It's well known in Washington that Weil remaining alive is a threat. Have Weil skip bail and flee to Switzerland once more! One thing we know is Weil will never be allowed to cop a plea by those implicated. How are we doing so far? We know you people use all sorts of "play on words" to prove your points. Gary Trudeau used cartoons. We enjoy deciphering your issues to use with future events. We'll see if we have missed some of the puzzle pieces we have consolidated in our Washington law office downtime. Our header projection for you: (1) UBS PRIOR CHAIRMAN RAOUL WEIL DIES UNDER MYSTERIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES WHILE ON SECOND US FEDERAL BAIL! (2) OBAMA SETS UP BLUE RIBBON COMMITTEE OR SPECIAL INVESTIGATOR OR COMMISSION OR BLAH BLAH BLAH TO INVESTIGATE WEIL'S DEATH (3) CONGRESS SAYS CONFLICT OF INTEREST IN COMMITTEE MEMBERS (4) HOLDER DENIES ANY CONFLICT (5) OBAMA APPOINTED INDEPENDENT BLUE COMMITTEE DETERMINES PRIOR UBS CHAIRMAN WEIL'S DEATH WAS SELF- INFLICTED OR ACCIDENTAL
NYC supporting legal sleuths

Dear Sir/Madam:
I've been employed by the IRS for some time and have seen it all. My cohorts are impressed that you don't use your newsletter as a bully pulpit against the IRS "careerists". In fact, you speak of the professional US Government IRS careerists rather well. What you say is generally correct. We've always had a problem with political appointees attempting to force us to do favors for donors. They come and go but it is always present. What is disconcerting is that your exposure has caused other wealthy donors at an unprecedented rate to want the same access to the IRS as UBS now has. This may increase the Obama coffers but makes our work more difficult. We loose taxpayer respect. We're truly troubled at the harsh treatment elderly UBS Clients you mention are receiving from these IRS political overseers.
IRS fans

Editor: We're concerned about the physical and mental welfare of fugitive from USA Justice UBS CEO Raoul Weil. We read your newsletter and wonder why he is allowed to live. As you say, UBS CEO Weil knows too much to allow him to appear in Federal Court. You use spook words like accidented and suicided to explain necessary extrajudicial killings. Why haven't Washington Congressional Committees offered him a deal if he tells all? Why are these politicians afraid? You mention the last UBS inquiry had people in hoods and blinders to protect their identity, We wonder why he is ensconced in a vulnerable New Jersey house with an ankle signal identifier.
UC Berkeley enthusiasts



We wish there were more UBS Client victims like Mallard who know people and has voluminous documents evidencing UBS AG USA criminal violations, while on and off USA Federal parole. Mallard has asked several Palm Beach, Florida CEO's of multi national companies if UBS AG Group Executive Board and the tasked CEO would know of any unusual or allocations of assets corporate assets. The answer invariable was yes, without any doubt. Those asked said that is the job of the CEO and the Board. One of Mallard's CEO friends was solicited for a Utah Industrial Bank. Another of Mallard's Palm Beach retired CEO friends company was made a Utah Industrial Bank Cartel member in USA Federal violation. Last we heard, Mallard did not know how to broach this subject with his friend, yet. Just tell him to read our publication.

A reliable UBS source has informed us there is a new Chairman CEO Sergio Ermotti proclamation at UBS. Not only are UBS personnel to have a certain personal hygiene, they now are ordered to smile. One only has to look at any search engine for UBS to see how funny this looks. Look above at the Group Executive Board likely suspects! We believe it was to instill a folksy look to belie UBS deviousness and criminality. There is a protracted hesitancy to prosecute until These alternatives should be self evident. Radioactive Raoul Weil has put the onus upon Obama/Holder, leaving few if any schemes to keep Raoul from talking. Weil may be too open and notorious at this juncture. Weil is so radioactive that any inclination for UBS and their USA associates to manipulate the USA Federal Court proceedings will impinge on their own activities. We are openly thinking of the scrutiny the Obama U of Chicago Obama Presidential Library+ secret foreign donors within the UBS Swiss secret accounts may receive.

A UBS AG reliable source has given us a heads-up. Sergio Ermotti gives his education as only the Oxford Advance Management Program (AMP). This 2 to 4 month program initially started at Harvard Business School primarily for existing career enhancement. It is a walk-in program for those who continue to be successful in the business world but do not have time for regular 2 year stint program. These AMP programs are not hard and do not require mentally taxing exams. Many from the third world countries sign up so as to look good with Harvard, Oxford et al on their CV. It is impressive to the unknowing. It is unknown why Sergio does not reveal his other educational accomplishments or lack thereof. Does this mean all he ever did academically was sign up for the Oxford AMP few months program? What gives? Do the UBS AG stockholders deserve to know the education of the guy that is Chief of the secret UBS AG Group Executive Board or is this like Russian dolls with secrets within secrets? How do corporate insurers explain this shortcoming? How did this get past so many filters? Axel Weber and other board members give their true and correct CVs. We will purchase some UBS AG stock and demand some answers to this and other conundrums. Given his unknown background, Sergio has certainly proven himself in the banking marketplace. We are quite familiar with the personality conflicts within the UBS AG hierarchy, the majority of which have continually voted to adhere to most of Chairman Raoul Weil's prior policies creating USA criminal violations against elderly UBS Client victims.

It is obvious UBS Chairmen gravitate towards secrecy. The May 4-7, 2014 UBS President's Council closed door meetings were allegedly cryptically about Eunice Gardiner and similar "successes". We believe the continuing international media exposure will put pressure upon the something for something Obama/UBS unholy alliance. This must be stopped before the next USA President is recruited by UBS, for something. The USA elderly cannot afford anymore UBS "perfect experiences".

We have used our UBS reliable source information to investigate and corroborate the quid pro quo (something for something) UBS schemes perpetrated in USA, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Gulfie states and other countries. Brazil revoked UBS Charter at one interval while USA, Saudi Arabia and other Gulfies have taken no action to protect their UBS offshore numbered accounts. Once the ruling families loose power they will find few if any that will acknowledge their offshore numbered accounts at UBS AG.

We have been careful not to give UBS or others any excuse to have us shut down by their associates. Contrary, UBS is documented through investigations as having used various Internet ploys to no avail. We only print the truth else we would be subject to nuisance suites. UBS and its USA associates do not dare attempt to violate our USA 1st Amendment Rights. We have many supporters who will come to our defense of transparency. Sunshine is the best disinfectant. Truth is the best defense.

By walking the dog backwards clarity is becoming apparent on the role both USA President Obama and USA Federal Attorney General Eric Holder are playing as USA facilitators for UBS. Again, Obama is not the first President to manipulate the Justice Department and IRS to their retirement advantage. It is just that the Obama/Holder team are so blatant. You have Obama pictured driving his bundler UBS Chairman Robert Wolf around in a golf cart. Holder/Breuer personally say in media there will be no investigation/prosecution of UBS. USA First Lady Michelle is pictured mothering a Boston Marathon Saudi suspect in his hospital bed while slightly wounded Abdul Al Harbi's Saudi buddies take pictures of Michelle, Abdul and Michelle's aid Bobby Shmuck. All the while Michelle ignores the legless amputee victims in other nearby hospitals. Eric Holder is internationally televised sneaking back into the receiving line at a White House state dinner so he could be seen on world TV. This could never be choreographed because no one on the planet Earth would believe this as truth. We continue to show it in picture and document form. Mind you, President Obama is just one in a growing list of USA Presidents that have used their power to enhance their personal retirement wealth. How many hours have been personally spent by prior USA Presidents continuing to sift through Presidential Library government owned documents illegally purging the compromising truth. Oh yes, we also have Honorable UBS Vice Chairman USA former Senate Banking Committee Chairman Senator Phil Gramm doing something for something. UBS AG must loose their USA Charter else more Washington key figures will be recruited.