issue 01

UBS AG Senior Officer Bradley Birkenfeld


The United States Government asserted: “16. It is further understood that should the (USA) Government in its sole discretion determine that UBS has, after the date of execution of this Agreement: (a) given false, incomplete, or misleading information; (b) violated any United States federal criminal law or failed to comply with any guidance, directive or order issued by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System; or, (c) otherwise committed a material violation of this Agreement, UBS shall, in the Government’s sole discretion, thereafter be subject to prosecution for any federal criminal violations of which the Government has knowledge, including but not limited to a prosecution based on the information of the conduct described therein.”Miami was targeted by the US Federal Justice Department because the UBS Miami Basel Art Show was the UBS recruiting honey pot epicenter for US hidden offshore accounts. The Bush/Cheney Justice Department initiated the investigation resulting in the prosecution of UBS AG in the 2nd Federal District Court located in Miami, Florida. This resulted in UBS AG and it’s US affiliates being put on US Federal criminal parole (see United States of America vs UBS, United States District Court Southern District of Florida, Case No. 09-60033-CR-COHN).  Even though the United States Government was emphatic about its above assertions, UBS continued to violate UBS criminal parole by doing the same thing (Issue 9 Exhibit L enlargement). How did UBS think it was going to boldly circumvent UBS US criminal parole?



Democracy Now transcript reports: “(UBS) had set up an institutional criminal conspiracy to help millionaire — multimillionaires and billionaires in the United States avoid taxes. (UBS) had a major wealth group. … this was not just one or two rogue employees; this was official bank policy, thousands and thousands of accounts. Who are these people? What positions of influence do they hold in the United States? These are people (UBS clients) who have set up secret accounts to avoid paying billions in taxes. (UBS bankers) would very frequently come into the United States. They would lie to immigration officials, because they would say on the immigration forms that they were here for tourism. And that’s an offense, to lie on those forms. They were here for business. They would occasionally say that they were here to visit family members. And my understanding is those family members didn’t always exist, you know, and the dates of their visits coincide with things like, you know, the Miami art fair (UBS sponsored Basel Art Show), so they were there prospecting for wealthy individuals whose business they wanted to win. And so, there was this huge apparatus, you know, that was going on.” A1 This so called UBS criminal apparatus never stopped. Within these brief issues we present factual incidents of UBS criminal conduct and the pain to UBS  client victims left without USA  Justice & Treasury Departments’ oversight. How could UBS continue criminal conduct during the Obama Administration while on USA Justice Department criminal parole? UBS continued illicit unilateral offshore wire transfers while on criminal parole for the same thing (see Issue 9 Exhibit L enlargement). Why did a repeatedly alerted Attorney General Eric Holder turn the proverbial blind eye and deaf ear to UBS continuing criminal behavior? Who lifted the UBS criminal parole while UBS openly continued criminal violations?



UBS bundler Robert Wolf & recipient Obama


Politico reports: “UBS Group Americas CEO and chairman Robert Wolf is a bundler and close presidential ally who has already raised up to $500,000 on behalf of the president’s reelection campaign this cycle, and was also a bundler in 2008.” A2 Robert Wolf has secrets about the actions of Craig E Darvin and others at the UBS 1285 Avenue of Americas New York City office. If they were to be known by the myriad US lawyers representing UBS victims, it could cost UBS billions in judgments. We know some of these “secrets” through our longstanding UBS reliable sources. Wolf must be allowed at least a silver parachute, perhaps UBS “consulting fees” to keep his mouth shut. This expenditure should cause ire among Swiss UBS stockholders when told. Let us see what happens in the near future.


UBS Chairman and member of UBS secretive Group Executive Board Robert Wolf


New York Times reports: “Mr. Wolf, who is 50, golfs and vacations with Mr. Obama and is known for e-mailing friends photos of himself with the president. … it has been making other UBS executives uneasy of late. … Yet the contretemps within UBS may be more about office politics than national politics. … Several executives, most notably Robert McCann, have been jockeying for a bigger role in running the bank. … Largely through his relationship with the president (Obama), Mr. Wolf has become the public face of UBS in the United States … (Wolf) makes more than $5 million a year, according to several people briefed on the matter. … Mr. Wolf and Mr. Obama met in late 2006 at a reception held at the offices of the billionaire investor George Soros.” A3 How did Wolf make more than $5,000,000 per year working as UBS/Obama bundler? UBS stockholders have been riled at the increasing prices they are forced to pay to UBS employees like Wolf and now Weber. Is Weber the new UBS/Obama Presidential library bundler? Is there something that has not been disclosed? Will Eric Holder be consistent in taking no UBS action? What will the UBS Swiss stockholders say? The question now is how is UBS going to keep Wolf’s mouth shut? UBS AG cannot afford another Birkenfeld.


UBS Chairman Robert Wolf is pushed out by new Chairman Robert McCann but stays Obama bundler by receiving facade position on Obama Economic Recovery Advisory Board.


Wall Street Journal reports: “After an 18 year career with UBS, Robert Wolf has decided to leave the bank to start his own advisory and consulting firm, 32 Advisors, LLC. We are pleased that he will continue to work closely with UBS as a senior advisor, with a focus on providing client advice and solutions.” A4 As we predicted UBS has come out with a tombstone advertisement on Wolf telling the World what a nice guy he is. We wondered how UBS was going to keep his mouth shut. We now know. Wolf is to get hush money “providing client advice and solutions”. This is a gobbledygook phrase meaning nothing. This UBS New York trick should not fair well with the penurious UBS AG Swiss stockholders, especially among our readership. This scheme is a deliberate circumvention of UBS stockholder agreed upon UBS employee compensation. How long can the Swiss UBS AG stockholders put up with the constant UBS Wall Street shady deals bleeding of their UBS dividends. It is sad to watch, but just wait to hear our other UBS revelations, like rampant UBS hierarchy Wall Street insider trading



London Telegraph reports: “Eric Holder, who heads Mr Obama’s justice department, is said to have become “incensed” after being accused by David Axelrod of complaining publicly about political interference in his office. ‘That’s bull****,’ Mr. Holder said in a confrontation after a cabinet meeting, according to author Daniel Klaidman. He writes: ‘The two men stood chest to chest. It was like a school yard fight’. Axelrod is said to have told the attorney general: ‘Don’t ever, ever accuse me of trying to interfere with the operations of the Justice Department’, a taboo in US politics. … He writes that Mr Holder and Mr. Axelrod were separated by Valerie Jarrett, a White House adviser and confidante to Mr. Obama. Ms. Jarrett “pushed her way between the two men, her sense of decorum disturbed, ordering them to ‘take it out of the hallway’,” says Klaidman. The argument is said to have erupted over attempts to add a political official to the staff of Mr. Holder, who has presided over a handful of political and public relations blunders since taking office in 2009.” A5 It is unfortunately now an open secret that Obama/Holder have had a cozy procedure set up with UBS, for a number of reasons. Obama quandaries were not so much that he was caught as much as other heavy Obama donors are wanting the same discretionary compliance treatment as UBS. The word is out. Axelrod allegedly has irate Obama donors demanding UBS Justice & Treasury Department discretionary compliance similar to UBS. Axelrod rightfully believes it is not fair that UBS Robert Wolf has been given the only access to both Justice & Treasury Departments. This has put pressure on Axelrod to deliver the same UBS perks to other envious alike donors. Hence, the World got a brief public reality whiff of the severity ramifications UBS and related matters are causing within the Obama White House. Obama political operative David Axelrod wants eyes and ears in the Justice and perhaps Treasury Departments. Anger releases truth.



While on parole for the same thing (see above), UBS has continued it’s unauthorized offshore wire transfers of UBS Client assets (Issue 9, Exhibit L) without the necessary US Government mandatory reporting. In tandem, UBS 1285 Avenue of Americas New York office and in particular UBS Associate Counsel Craig Darvin refused to obey precise orders of Honorable Chairman Villiger’s direct intervention, for compliance with US IRS on behalf of mutual friend UBS Client Mallard. At present US IRS is asking UBS Client Mallard for taxes on the UBS unilateral offshore wire transfers (Switzerland) and violated account shifted assets. UBS has refused to comply with USA IRS but for sending the USA IRS an incomplete and faulty accountability of the UBS Client Mallard account asset whereabouts. The end losers in the continuing UBS/Obama/Clinton scenario are those elderly like Mallard who are being asked by the USA IRS to sign faulty UBS compliance documents while Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch will take no action against UBS.



Politico reports: “Financial giant UBS has tangled with government regulators at the Securities and Exchange Commission, recently settling a dispute over fraudulent municipal bond gains.” A6 Under President Obama we have seen UBS successfully become more embolden and impervious to any USA Federal violations. Senator Obama met then UBS Chairman Robert Wolf at a small protracted private party given by George Soros in his New York City flat. UBS has been Obama’s most prolific donor since that encounter. UBS Senator Phil Gramm as prior Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee is now UBS Vice Chairman (see issue 6). UBS is now in Palm Beach County Court on yet another in the series of USA Federal violations against UBS Clients. Attorney General Eric Holder (see issue 6) has been repeatedly alerted to this particular UBS series of continuing UBS offshore criminal violations. Some of these UBS criminal violations were committed while UBS was on USA Federal criminal parole (see USA v UBS AG, Case No. 09-60033-CR-Crohn) and were to report such USA Federal criminal violations. UBS has never done such. This present case is before Judge Robin L Rosenberg in the 15th Circuit Court of Palm Beach County, Florida (Mallard v UBS Bank USA, UBS Financial Services etc Case # 50-2011 CA 0124622 XXXX MB). Firstly, within this case is a UBS registered mortgage UBS Assistant General Counsel Craig E Darvin says he will not give back (Issue 2 Exhibit F enlargement) despite UBS at the same time denying there is a mortgage (Issue 13 Exhibit C). Secondly, UBS unilateral offshore wire transferred Client Mallard’s account assets (Issue 9 Exhibit L enlargement) without USA Federal mandatory Client and IRS written consent compliance. Thirdly, UBS in their Court documents calls Client Mallard a “former customer” while Client Mallard was still receiving UBS account maintenance. Fourthly, UBS successfully  presented a fraudulent Utah Foreign Judgement to Judge Robin L Rosenberg as true and correct when in fact Utah Honorable Judge Sandra Peuler’s name has been officially confirmed a forgery, among other things. Fifthly, even though UBS has not denied the forgery in Court, Judge Robin L Rosenberg’s Court dismissed the action against UBS even though UBS Bank USA was not licensed at time to do business in Florida. All of the above could have fallen under the rubric of mistake or inadvertence!  Judge RobinRosenberg’s controversial husband Michael McCauliff skipped work at Oxbow Company in Florida and went to Washington.  Among other things,  he went to sanctify his wife  Robin’s imperfect application for a Federal Judgeship.  Former Palm Beach County  Florida states attorney Michael McAuliff was later terminated  from Oxbow Company for  unrelated  alleged work fraud.  The resulting Oxbow civil case part is presently being heard in Delaware.  Robin Rosenberg became an  Obama  USA Federal Judge even though there allegedly was at least one vital procedural infraction in her application, not to mention her husbands questionable behavior.  Mallard’s live UBS  case was dismissed with “notice of service” never made to proper approximately five representing lawyers.  Mallard’s attorney was threatened with consequences if he attempted to continue representing Mallard.  There is no statute of limitations with fraud upon the court by officers of the court.  Mistakes, inadvertences, clerical errors ad nausea are the sustenance of the devious.



Despite repeated USA Attorney General Holder alerts, UBS continues to violate USA  Federal law by not complying with or submitting incomplete documents to the USA Department of Justice & Treasury. These continuing brazen acts must be based on some reality. It is incongruous that they could be based upon the wishes of a UBS Group Americas Obama bundling office. Please note UBS says “Item Description NA” (not available). How can UBS send the USA IRS true and correct transactions without revealing the names of the Items? Are these “NA” items offshore transfers, stocks, bonds et al? In any event, UBS Client Mallard has sent the pages of UBS faulty transactions back to the USA IRS for UBS clarification and completion. Other than UBS entrapment, it is not understood why the IRS would initially send the unilateral UBS transactions as true and correct for UBS Client Mallard’s signature.


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Page 30 is one of many UBS submitted noting true and correct UBS Mallard account transactions to the USA IRS. They are neither true nor correct.  Among other things, please see UBS has submitted under Item Description NA (not available) for the unknown stock, bond, offshore wire transfers or other items. UBS will not tell either USA IRS or UBS Client Mallard what the UBS unilateral transactions were. How has UBS been allowed to commit such USA Federal malfeasance while on USA Federal criminal parole? During the present Southampton summer parties, Mallard has spoken to top Wall Street officials saying it is incredulous  UBS would put questionable actions in writing.




This title could be considered an unintentional triple entendre. We are primarily  talking about only proclivities from  misrepresentation of the truth extended to the commission of fraudulent behavior at  UBS.   While Aufhauser has been prosecuted  none have received Obama/Holder Federal generated jail time.  UBS reliable source says: “The UBS triumvirate Wolf/Aufhauser/Darvin offices  have allegedly overseen a continuing USA reign of terror upon both UBS clients and employees. Robert Wolf is alleged to have been a self-promoting lightening rod Obama bundler causing unwanted attention to UBS AG (Switzerland).” Aufhauser and Darvin were allegedly confiscators  of UBS Client account assets, especially USA elderly. A reliable Swiss source has said: ” These men have tarnished  Honorable UBS AG Chairman Kaspar Villiger’s reputation  and continue directly or indirectly to suck on the UBS tit.”   Among other USA Federal violations, these men refused to abide by UBS AG Chairman Villiger’s orders to give Mallard USA IRS compliance documents.



Honorable UBS AG (Switzerland) Chairman Kasper Villiger’s office gave several expressed interoffice email orders to give UBS Client Herb Mallard the unauthorized UBS offshore wire transfer documents for IRS compliance. It is documented that David Aufhauser’s UBS General Counsel’s office  refused to implement UBS AG (Switzerland) Chairman Villiger’s US IRS compliance orders. It has been witnessed Aufhauser’s office  threatened all relevant UBS personnel with immediate termination if they assisted Mallard on IRS requests for these documents. Again, Aufhauser’s office ignored UBS AG Chairman Villiger and the IRS. It is alleged Aufhauser’s office was relying upon the UBS Chairman Wolf’s golf buddy/facilitator Obama to blunt any IRS compliance requests from UBS.



David Aufhauser


Justice Society reports: “While some may have expected attorney David Aufhauser to be seen in the halls of Williams & Connolly as a client but it appears that he has now been embraced as a partner. It appears that involvement in an insider trading scandal is not a barrier to career advancement. The former general counsel and managing director for UBS has joined the firm after agreeing not to practice law for two years due to the alleged insider trading.” A7 How can a UBS lawyer become a partner in a UBS supplier law firm after agreeing not to practice law? Is this not anachronistic? Is it not true becoming a law partner one is de facto practicing law? Why did an alerted Attorney General Eric Holder allow this and related USA Federal violations to occur? A reliable UBS source alleges that many UBS hierarchy supplement their compensation plans by insider trading. This enhances what they think is their meager UBS compensation in comparison to other financial services companies. A reliable UBS source has alleged it is an open UBS secret Aufhauser and others have been known to be UBS insider trading for a long period of time but have never been investigated by the alerted Obama Attorney General Eric Holder. UBS General Counsel David Aufhauser was UBS Associate General Counsel Craig E Darvin’s boss. Aufhauser’s office was allegedly involved in unilaterally offshore wire transferring (Issue 9 Exhibit L) UBS client account assets. There is also a question if UBS ever made the unilateral stock transactions to Client Mallard’s account (see above UBS submitted IRS document) by saying they are “NA” or not available to the US IRS for IRS compliance. It is not known at this time if some of Mallard’s accounts allegedly went to Obama’s two presidential cycle donations through Wolf’s UBS Group Americas lobbyist bundling apparatus.



Dealbreaker reports: “This one is just too good. … A former UBS Group AG compliance officer was charged by U.K. regulators with passing tips on five occasions to a London man who traded on the information, according to court records. … Fabiana Abdel-Malek, 34, and Walid Choucair, 38, were each charged with five counts of insider dealing between June 2013 and June 2014 … Abdel-Malek, who has a law degree, had worked as a compliance officer at UBS since 2007”. A8



Bloomberg reports: “A former UBS Group AG compliance officer was charged by U.K. regulators with passing tips on five occasions to a London man who traded on the information … charges filed by the Financial Conduct Authority. Abdel-Malek, who has a law degree, had worked as a compliance officer at UBS since 2007 … A spokeswoman for UBS wasn’t able to immediately provide a statement. … Insider dealing in the U.K. carries a maximum prison term of seven years.” A9


WALL STREET ETHICS UNFAVORABLY POLLED reports: “Sixteen percent of respondents said they would commit insider trading if they could get away with it, according to Labaton Sucharow. And 30 percent said their compensation plans created pressure to compromise ethical standards or violate the law.” A10 We know through UBS banker Birkenfeld interrogations by the US Justice Department that UBS allegedly called the UBS bonus inducement of their bankers to commit US Federal crimes “incentivization”. It was understood at UBS that if these “incentivized” UBS employees were caught they were on their own.  UBS has a scheme whereby an employee gets caught and UBS  immediately and untruthfully call them former UBS.


issue 1- Craig E Darvin

Craig E Darvin


UBS Client Mallard was finalizing his mortgage with Laurel, New Jersey UBS Mortgage Department officer Mark Boinavich (sic) (866-536-3827) when Mallard witnessed the allegedly destruction of UBS United States Federally mandated client mortgage documents and the purging of the entire staff. It is alleged the UBS Wolf/Aufhauser/Darvin offices, in expectation of the successful Swiss and AIG counterparty bailouts, implemented the 2008 purge. We have also seen UBS allegedly destroy Holocaust victim documents (Issue 2) in direct violation of Swiss law. The UBS Aufhauser/Darvin offices oversaw United States New York District Court Judge Shira Schiendlin (Zubulake v. UBS Warburg, 217 F.R.D. 309 S.D.N.Y. 2003) where UBS lawyers misappropriated US Federally requested documents. United States District Court Judge Shira A. Scheindlin presiding said: “Specifically, the court concluded that (Plaintiff UBS) attorneys are obligated to ensure all relevant documents are discovered, retained, and produced. Additionally, the court declared that litigators must guarantee that identified relevant documents are preserved by placing a ‘litigation hold’ on the documents, communicating the need to preserve them, and arranging for safeguarding of relevant archival media.” UBS legal counsel obviously has a successful track record of destroying United States Government administered documents. All UBS has to do is bundle Obama presidential campaign money and the alerted Attorney General Eric Holder will take no action?



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It is unknown who set this memorialized meeting up solely between UBS Associate General Counsel Craig E Darvin and his cronies or why it was allowed to expend valuable USA Federal Reserve time and UBS assets. Usually these matters are discussed in the presence of several represented banks. Perhaps Craig E Darvin was allegedly hoping to broaden his resume experience for UBS advancement.


issue 1 - Jonathan Eisenberg

Jonathan Eisenberg


UBS says: “Jon Eisenberg brings more than 30 years of experience in securities matters to bear in his role as General Counsel for UBS Wealth Management Americas.” It seems controversial Craig E Darvin has made his way to UBS Associate General Counsel where he has remained deeply involved in controversy, allegedly including the Hicks, Mallard and numerous other UBS court of preference cases held within UBS 3rd District Utah Court. Darvin has also allegedly abetted UBS lawyer violations in the media covered controversial above noted case before United States New York District Court Judge Shira Schiendlin.

Customarily, the vanquished leave for another job rather than suffer the indignities from fellow employees. If not, the vanquished are terminated  on a Friday afternoon. There is then a tombstone advertisement aired to the media sprucing up the firing with pleasantries toward the vanquished, but everyone in the financial service industry knows. Aufhauser and Wolf are gone from UBS.  Darvin is the only member of the above triumvirate left at UBS.


issue 1 - UBS 1285 Avenue

UBS 1285 Avenue of Americas New York City USA headquarters

Despite tight security we have  reliable UBS sources within the building.  Hence,  within the picture a corroborating UBS reliable source signal can be seen.   One reliable UBS source working within this building says some UBS building hierarchy have supplemented their salaries through insider trading without fear of Attorney General Eric Holder prosecution. They are allegedly considered part of the Obama UBS get-out-of-jail-free card.  An irate reliable UBS source working within this so called “evil empire” building says those denied the Obama card are angry at the two tier system but are kept in fear of immediate termination if they assist targeted UBS Client victims. International business has until now had no definitive apparent connective proof a foreign  financial (UBS) has bought Washington Justice and Treasury Department non-compliance.  This is said to have upset the more ethical USA banks.



Associated Press reports: “Older Americans lose $2.9 billion a year to fraud, according to a study last year by the National Committee for the Prevention of Elder Abuse and the Center for Gerontology at Virginia Tech. Most victims are between 80 and 89, and most are women. … A slowing down of brain function comes with normal aging, they noted. The elderly are susceptible to errors in judgment, particularly in situations where a snap decision is required. The Mayo Clinic defines ‘mild cognitive impairment’ as an ‘intermediate stage between the expected cognitive decline of normal aging and the more pronounced decline of dementia.’ ” A11 UBS is on record targeting Florida and California elderly.UBS has successfully hidden these painful newsworthy incidences within Florida by purchasing advertising in local papers and allegedly making campaign payments to judges and politicians allegedly through UBS Group Americas offices.



Axel Weber

UBS AG Chairman Axel Weber

Axel Weber replaced Honorable Chairman Kaspar Villiger in a very difficult job. One of the main tasks was to continue cleaning UBS rot at the top Group Executive Board. This included the successfully proven latent criminal practices by the likes of UBS General Counsel David Aufhauser in their reign of terror on US elderly UBS Client victims and theft of their UBS Client accounts.

We will now see how Axel Weber has been “incentivized” to turn a blind eye and deaf ear by the rot at the top UBS Group Executive Board. In essence, the US elaborate UBS predatory practices upon US elderly are too big and too lucrative to shut down. From information and belief a President Trump Administration is to “take action”. The jig is up within the US for the  UBS hierarchy. No more UBS deferred payments to Clinton/Bush II/Obama regimes. Many USA lawyers are now seeing US Attorney General action.   We will see these astute law firms using our and other internet newsletters revealed UBS documents as templates to defend elderly UBS victims. We advise Axel Weber to get his UBS cash while he can for he may need it to defend his actions in a reluctant Swiss Court. UBS shareholders are going to demand Swiss Government take action against UBS rot at the top.


Letters to the Editor:

Hauphauser got caught insider trading and was never prosecuted or punished. It’s been common for UBS hierarchy to make insider trades with their personal accounts. The Swiss stockholders have limited employee bonuses and salaries so UBS hierarchy just enhances their salaries with insider trading. UBS already gave substantial donations to Obama for many years as insurance for just such cases in USA.
UBS reliable source

It is obvious UBS hasn’t liked Mitt Romney. UBS exploits their US Federally unregulated Utah Industrial Bank cartel membership while betting against Mitt in 2008 and 2012. How can Mitt and Utah submit to such UBS hypocracy, other than accept UBS leading sponsorship of the Utah Symphony. Is this enough of a payoff to allow UBS to use the infamous Salt Lake City 3rd District Court to process UBS Client victims. Mitt deserves deference. UBS has a pattern of wanting it both ways.
Utah believer

I’m proud to be associated with all of you in the collaborative constructive ownership of this informative nonprofit transparency newsletter.
Fellow Traveler

We’ve got to hand it to you guys because your getting close with evidence. UBS top guys are responsible for making phony bad transactions for UBS customer accounts, mainly in down markets. It increases UBS receivables and makes these UBS guys look good. Then they browbeat customers with UBS lawyers and friendly courts if there is any customer fuss. We wish you luck trying to make it stick because it runs deep. Your evidence is great and hope this continues. We love reading your stuff.
NYC Insider

You can see arrogance all over Wolf, Darvin and Aufhausen faces. We’d love to see these guys do poster boy jail time. They’re not well liked. They know too much to be prosecuted. We all know what they are doing but need you to expose them and others at UBS. These are bad hombres.
UBS competitor


Dear Readership:

We are renewing our first issues and the introduction with poignant Obama Administration revelations, mainly given us by our UBS reliable sources. As a secondary one issue news source we have found this information extremely valuable to an appreciative international media. We appreciate receiving a heads-up increase on various revelations from our readership. Our present reliable UBS, New York, Florida and Utah sources have been the backbone of our effort. Some of our UBS reliable sources have been with us for many years and have confidence in our fiduciary relationship. We have not divulged or intimated one of our sources, ever. To counteract, UBS has developed a strict censorship for its employees.

A repulsed reliable UBS source has said a UBS employee bragged the Eunice J Gardiner’s more than $50,000,000 estate “was like taking candy from a baby”. The repercussions allegedly have “incintivised” UBS salesmen to target elderly women for UBS processing.

What does Mitt Romney and Tom Cruise not have in common? The answer is age. They both are or have been high officials in their respective Churches. This alleged UBS joke could be a deliberate slight upon both Scientology and Mormon Churches by the UBS 1285 Avenue of Americas New York hierarchy. Is it practical for UBS to have demeaned defeated US Presidential Contender Mitt Romney while using the US Federally unregulated UBS Utah Industrial Bank perks noted the later issues?

UBS Client Mallard and the other Florida elderly UBS Clients are naive if they think they can withstand UBS AG in USA Courts. We have forthcoming documented prima facae incidences where Judges have misrepresented the truth to rule for UBS. UBS has a political “special relationship” that supercedes usual judicial practices of fairness. USA national media are now reporting Swiss banks UBS AG and Credit Suisse only have to shift assets from Foreign entity numbered accounts to Presidential library+ and Congressional secret accounts.

Our reliable UBS sources have reported UBS has elderly clients sign contracts with accompanying several books of complex material. Within these books are fine print statements by UBS saying UBS allegedly has unilateral control over UBS client transactions. During the slightest market downturn UBS allegedly informs the UBS client their account assets are zero, when in fact the client assets have been diverted via offshore wire transfers and/or shifted without US Federal mandatory reporting. Another UBS scenario is when UBS unilaterally invests in controversial offshore companies or concocted trusts with little to no mandatory US Federal reporting. UBS then tells the client all of the account asset investments were lost and no documentation is available. In every instance investigated, researchers have found UBS refuses mandatory account asset transfer information US Federal IRS compliance. If the UBS client decides upon legal action against UBS the client is told about the fine print in the contract accompanying books. Among other things but not necessarily all, within the UBS books’ fine print are statements that UBS has complete control over client assets with UBS 3rd District Court of Utah as sole arbiters. Researchers of UBS Utah 3rd District Court public records have found no instance where a UBS client has prevailed over UBS. The researchers and UBS reliable sources continue to send revealing corroborated UBS information.